TER 22.09.2023
Share event:
Fiction – 6’ – YEAR 2015
Reino Unido/ United Kingdom
Director – Elizabeth Mizon
Borders gives a personal and intimate insight into the hushed-up virginity tests that women migrants were subjected to in the 1970s, as reported by The Guardian in 2011.
Link para trailer: https://vimeo.com/135467898
Fiction – 27’ – YEAR 2016
Director – Payal Sethi
In the chaotic old city of Hyderabad, 18-year- old Raisa hatches a dangerous and improbable plan to save her younger sister from becoming a one-day bride.
Link para trailer: https://vimeo.com/161586932
Women of Fukushima
Documentary – 22’40’’ – YEAR 2012
Japão / Japan
Director – Paul Johannessen and Jeffrey Jousan
Six Japanese women offer brutally honest views on the state of the cleanup, the coverups and untruths
since the nuclear accident in Fukushima, and how it has affected their lives, homes and families.
Link para trailer: https://vimeo.com/49169624