Dancing Feet
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Entre 2006 e 2016, a fotografia digital passou por transformações significativas em termos de criação, aceitação e exibição. As câmaras digitais de alta qualidade tornaram-se acessíveis, permitindo fotografar à noite com uma qualidade próxima da de estúdio. Em 2007 a plataforma Facebook foi lançada em Portugal, rapidamente tornando-se o principal espaço para a partilha de fotografias de festas. As imagens eram publicadas para reviver a noite anterior, geralmente na conta associada à festa. O conceito de repost entre plataformas ainda não existia. Esta relação com o meio remete para o álbum fotográfico impresso. Em 2016, a plataforma Instagram lançou as Stories, influenciadores digitais consolidaram-se no mercado, as selfies ganharam destaque nas redes sociais, refletindo a crescente cultura de autoimagem. O Snapchat popularizou os posts efémeros, oferecendo uma alternativa à permanência digital. 'Pós-verdade' é eleita a palavra do ano pelo Dicionário Oxford, destacando esta nova era, onde emoções e crenças pessoais prevaleciam sobre factos objetivos.
MUPI Gallery is a dedicated image gallery that was inaugurated in May 2015 in the foyer of the performance hall at Maus Hábitos. Since then, it has been hosting a diverse program of individual exhibitions by local and international artists in different states of emergence.
The primary objectives of Mupi Gallery are to support the creation of new works and visual experiences while promoting the artistic journey of the invited artists. It challenges them to present a new solo artwork that takes advantage of the unique characteristics and prominent display format. Additionally, it aims to showcase the national contemporary art scene by introducing the solid work of local artists as well as emerging names in the visual arts.
As a gallery dedicated to individual exhibitions, Mupi Gallery complements the artistic programming of Saco Azul/Maus Hábitos. It provides a contrast to the exhibition hall's program, which focuses on artistic encounters and dialogue through collective and crossover exhibitions.
Saco Azul invites one artist per month to occupy the backlit triptych, promoting the creation of works that utilize images as a means of contemporary artistic expression. Through production grants, it affirms or questions the role of images in the present day. Comprising three urban advertising communication Mupis provided by JcDecaux to Maus Hábitos, this gallery is not only interesting for its physical characteristics but also for its cultural impact and inherent commercial connotation. The artist is challenged to react or interact with this structure, embracing all its capabilities and connotations.